On 15th November we held our Anchor Point Annual General Meeting. The Chairs, Professor Charlie Whiffin and Dr Alyson Norman, presented on the past year highlighting the achievements of our working groups. These have included a research publication currently being drafted for publication, YouTube research videos, information and education materials for families, best practice guidelines, letters-to-self project, engagement with policy and our new Anchor Point Strategy document.

The AGM was a chance to showcase the Letters-to-Self project which consists of a booklet of letters from family members to their past selves provided within a useful information resurce pack. We also revealed the Reflecting on Best Practice document that will form the basis of more consultancy work with healthcare professionals in the coming year. Our strategy document is now released and this will be circulated to all members via email. Finally, the AGM saw the soft launch of our new website. It still needs some updating and testing but will be made publicly available in due course. This will alow greater engagement with Anchor Point material.

The new year will bring a continued focus on reducing secondary trauma for families and a move towards charitable status with us registering as an unincorporated not-for-profit organisation.

Anchor Point Annual General Meeting

Acquired Brain Injury Awareness Week